How To Be An Attractive Man - Interview With Dating Coach, TrippAdvice

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hey guys this is Leo for actualised org and in this video we're doing something special I want to introduce you to a cool guy he's a dating advice coach in Los Angeles California and his name is Tripp say hi Tripp hi Tripp what sounds video thanks for having man yeah my pleasure we did an interview where I was on trips Channel Tripp has a great dating advice for men channel on YouTube and it's called trip advice and that's trip with two peas right that's right all right and he's also got a website so if you're looking for dating advice then check out his website check out his youtube channel it's got a lot of videos there unlike my videos which are 40 or 50 minutes long his videos are really short they're like five minutes each and they go right to the point and gives you straightforward advice for men on how to date in this video what we're going to talk about is a little bit of the psychology of being an attractive man and Tripp is the guy to be asking these kinds of questions and one of the things that I have and wanting to do with actualised at work is not only to be having my head talking but also to have other talking heads on the channel so you can get more well-rounded advice from other people because I have my own biases and quirks especially when it comes to dating advice and Tripp has his own ideas so we're going to kind of bounce back and forth and ask him some questions to help you guys get better at dating with girls and if you're a woman and you're watching this one of the benefits you might get is a perspective into the male mind because I think that most women aren't really good understanding some of the challenges that men go through when they're struggling with dating and it's a really big problem I've had my own problems with it I'm sure Tripp has had his own learning experience and so we're going to talk about that awesome all right Tripp so let's just crack into it what's the point of learning to be better with girls it's an interesting question you know it all comes down to what you want out of your life right and I'm going to assume that most heterosexual men want to be with a quality woman right so I think the real question is not what's the point of learning this stuff but um why do you why does someone want to find that quality woman and I think that a lot of guys they don't even think it's possible this was like something that I had to deal with years ago I never thought it was possible to even try to get better and meeting women right so I think the first thing is that you have to know that it is possible and it's crazy because again I mean this is like maybe 10 15 years ago there was no lot of information that you could find or at least at least no defined about how to get better with women right that was one of the things that was a really difficult to understand that you could get better unless you maybe her friend about as you know guys don't really talk to each other about like hey dude I found this like cool thing I'm like how to get better with girls and they teach you all this stuff about talking and confidence and things like that but I think it's really really key that you know guys do learn this stuff so that they can have the best quality woman that they can because a lot of guys end up settling now I personally think that the divorce rate you know it's like 50 maybe and 60 percent right now in the United States and I think that that exists because guys don't take the time to learn this stuff which has them settling for a woman that they don't truly want because they don't believe that they can get better quality women and then of course that just ends in a divorce right or or maybe not it ends in a really terrible life and you're stuck with this woman you don't really want it's not a good match for you it's not the kind of person that's good for you and the person that you really want and then it just again you need this really miserable life so why guys should be learning this is so that they can finally attract the woman that they have been desiring right and I say this to the guys not in the form of you know do everything in your power to get that one girl who you've been pining after that's a little bit different they'll really watch a lot of videos on my channel Leo's channel to learn how to become a better man and become a better communicator and understand attraction and by doing that you will start to see results and finding the types of women that you really want all right so I mean I mean that's what I think about that yeah and for me my own journey what I've discovered is that it's just as a man learned to get better with women there's something deeper about it than just getting a girl it's also a ballad like you said becoming a man becoming stronger becoming more confident and that's not just for the girls sake that's also just for your sake it's satisfying to do that and I think it translates and spills over into other areas of your life yeah absolutely that's a cool thing when I started to learn this stuff I was only in it for the women which most guys are right that's why they're learning it so they can get you know whatever they want in terms of a relationship or a girl one-night stand whatever it is but then you end up becoming this stronger person because that's what women are truly attracted to and you become this guy who's all of a sudden really good at public speaking and really good with communicating with employees or your boss or your family you understand how to how to connect better with people because a lot of the stuff that you learn in terms of meeting a woman totally crosses over to all these other areas of your life so it's a really powerful training whole in itself awesome uh tell me a little bit more about this gimmicky stuff because you said gimmicks and sometimes there's this reputation about dating advice from men is that it's gimmicky and it's all about being fake and tricking the girl into sleeping with you and so the girls don't like it because it seems like manipulation but also guys then don't want it listen to it because they feel like well like that's not very mature way to go about dating so what's your take on that yeah I should really like that and you said that mature way about going at dating I never really thought about that that's kind of what I'm always trying to preach it's really a mature way of going about it because the opposite immature is like yeah these these manipulation techniques and tactics and trickery which by the way I mean I always say you know I talk about tricks and techniques on my videos but it's different it's not about tricking the woman it's about a little trick that can help you become a better person to attract the woman but yeah I mean in terms of that I compared to two things right all the gimmicky stuff or the pickup material that's like eating uh you know when you're really hungry and this is delicious unhealthy cupcake in front of you okay it's eating that versus maybe next to it is a really healthy protein shake with good nutrients and vitamins in a banana but yeah it tastes good but many signs as good as the cupcake let's be honest and the analogy here is the cupcake will satisfy your desires and make you feel really amazing and it will do what it needs to be done but in the long run what happens when you eat a bunch of cupcakes you end up feeling sick you end up low on energy your your blood sugar raises all these bad things in the long run and when you drink the protein shake which sort of satisfies the same exact craving but it's a little bit different a little healthier for you and build your body in your immune system for the long run that's like learning more natural techniques so and the reason why that is because when you start to to learn the pick up stuff that quick kind of gimmicky manipulation easy to lie to girls easy to kind of make up stories or it's so easy just remember as a fake story tell a girl has nothing to do about you but it will attract the girl yes you'll get that sadist the satisfaction in the beginning because you get to sleep with the girl over you be you get to get the number it feels really good right but in the long run here's what ends up happening you end up coming to this point where you've lost yourself there's a disconnect between what is you and the stuff that you're spitting and inevitably there becomes this crash and burn because you start to realize and I'll spoil it for you for the guys who just want to go to that route first I'll spoil of you right now what happens is you start to become more lonely more scared less confident because you're realizing that all these girls that have become attractive you are not really attracted to you they're attracted to this other made up version of yourself and so while it's great in the beginning because you're getting these quick results in the long run it starts to become old and I'll tell you right now it feels so much better to just build yourself into a confident person in a better person in general so women can become attracted to you yeah it's a little harder takes a little longer not by much but that's going to be the way that you're going to feel better in the long run and you're never going to have a crash and burn because you're going to feel good that you're doing or I should say you're building yourself in order to attract these women so that's kind of how I see the difference between those two yeah I love the long-term thinking approach that's definitely what I try to do with every area of my life that I'm trying to master is take the long-term perspective on it so that's definitely smart I've also found that the guys who are the best even though they started off perhaps on routines or tricks and it wasn't authentic at first ultimately what they ended up doing is they kind of consolidated all that stuff they took the stuff that really worked that that was natural to them they integrated that part like really firmly to their personality and they became so authentic with the way they act so it's not about being fake it's just that sometimes the routines and tricks they help you to get started like like training wheels and then you throw those away and then you do you know the the real kind of authentic type of stuff and that's what attracts women women are attracted to situations when you can be really authentic yeah I mean I mean I'll be honest I was the same way I learned a lot of that stuff too in the beginning I just didn't get too far with it personally because I already felt the disconnect just because I'm like very intuitive and I'm just like whoa this isn't working so I had to kind of find out other stuff so what I tell guys is you know there's ways to use some of those little tricks and techniques are those routines and be able to actually create your own that it has to do with you you know just basically about being able to create your own stories again it takes a little bit longer because it's different than just reading a little routine right you have to sit down and really think about it and understand what are the attraction triggers that you want to hit a woman that make her attracted to you and and what in your life can you apply to that and create a story out of it so I always tell guys let's take that let's take some of the concepts and the ideas behind maybe some of the some of the pickup material and you read out there right the core concepts of what it is that's attracting the woman and then blend in your life and your stories into those concepts that's kind of what I'm trying to push out you know beautiful yeah I love it so then let's move on to the million dollar question which is what actually matters what actually makes an attractive man guys are always asking me and this is something that was always on top of my mind which really screwed with my mind is still looks matter am i good-looking enough to do it you said you can get any girl but can I get a girl if I'm looking the way that I am do muscles matter does my height matter does my money situation matter what about my nationality what about size what matters and all this stuff okay cool okay I want to hit on like all those because those are all like amazing points okay so first really quickly what stuck out nationality I'll say right now nationality does not matter yes it will be easier if you're white to attract a white girl and if you'll age into attractive asian rule and if you're black to attract a black hole and so on and so on but cross nationality you can attract I know plenty of women who are attracted to different types of nationalities from their own so that doesn't really matter ah money money I'll be honest it helps obviously if you have a lot of money it helps because it's telling the girl with the attraction trigger that it's hitting is it's telling the girl that you're successful and that you're passionate and that you've done well for yourself in your hard work and those are very dominant alpha male traits that women are attracted to but here's the cool part it's not necessary you don't need a million dollars in the bank account to attract women it's not like that is the thing that if you don't have it within you're screwed not at all so it helps but there are plenty of ways that you can attract a woman by letting her know your passions and letting her know that you're happy with your life and you do these great things in your life that are motivational and and and always growing and all these things that are great about you that show success rather than being being it in terms of what the dollar is in your bank account but at the end of the day the cool thing is and I know Leo you talk about this a lot is that if you do work on yourself and do work on on loving what you're doing finding your passion which you hit all the time one of the great side effects is making a lot of money so it kind of works handing on there and then in terms of looks looks do matter to an extent okay so when it comes to looks it's not like well if you don't look like Brad Pitt you can't get that ten okay yes if you do look like Brad Pitt of course that is going to help us just be honest but it's not necessary but in terms of looks you do need to have what I call style or really just a fashion sense right so you need to do the things that you need to do to become your most physically attract itself physically attractive self so um that is in terms of grooming that's in terms of wearing the things that look the best on you that's different for everybody usually it's fitted type clothing but you need to really study fashion study style so you can look your absolute best and at that point you kind of in a good way you've maxed out of that capacity of being a most attractive self is that just going to help you in the end but even so I know plenty of guys who don't do any of that stuff and still get the girl because yeah it's only a part of it but I see the guys like work on the fashion and work on the style because it's kind of an easy part that will just help you know to me like why not make it easier ends whatever get just get a new wardrobe or shave the scraggly beard you know whatever it is oh no is he yours hold on like this you got a stubble there now your little bit well-groomed uh goatee which is fine but if you had icy guys' it can't really grow a beard and it's like kind of there and just like ah you just shaved it you would look ten times better and it would just be so much easier if you don't like go and approach a woman and the rejection rate would just lower you know so it's like things like that yeah so all good points I mean what I found in my own jury which totally blew my mind is that yes the money like women just aren't really that attracted to money I find uh it's like an average girl she's not gonna like require you to have tons of money and as far as nationality I've had some of the like weirdest friends that are like different nationalities from like Indian to Pakistani to black to everything else and like if you amazing they do way better than I do some of the best guys I know are short like they're super short like not even average short but like five four one of those guys I know is so short he looks like a little but like he's ridiculously good he's way better than me like I'm floored to watch him just do his work girls love him and as far as like the looks like one of the things that really blew my mind is when I started to get into pickup and I started to go out there actually hit on lots of girls like it always blew my mind that it was very random like sometimes an ugly girl will reject you sometimes a hot girl will reject you but then sometimes a hot girl will love you better than an ugly girl will like it's just for for any random reason like they just love you for your personality they just happen to be down that night or whatever and I found that I've been able to attract virtually like any hotness of a girl that I want as long as I work hard on myself and as long as I could go out there talk to lots of girls that's possible yeah exactly I say like I had to really come down to a concise I guess version of what a guy needs to work on in order to to to be your most attractive self to a woman it's I'll be speaking in broad terms here but a lot of stuff even is fine on my channel but really it's about how you carry yourself and how you talk to women you know it's just about the words that are coming out of your mouth and in your body language you know and then how you walk over to her and how you look at her and the way that you touch her right and then the things that you say the stories that you tell the excitement and the energy coming from from your voice and how you're talking to them it's like those things if you could just master those or just practice those as much as you can that's gonna already just super supersede is that a word supersede uh it is a work okay good because it superseded that looks money nationality all that other stuff yeah that's what I tended to find myself okay so next question what is it that when that men need to understand about how women think that they don't currently understand so I find that there's stuff there's like there's like a gulf between how men think and how women think that's how I think about in my mind like our psychologies are different and so I find that when I started on my journey I didn't really understand how women thought I thought that women thought like men think and then I was shocked to learn that that's not the case so in your experience tell me a little more about what you see as the gulf there like what women are thinking yeah what is it that that men need to understand about women in order to attract them better yeah well I think men need to understand that I mean this is going to some David data stuff which I know you're big fan of as well you really have to understand about the the polarities and this blew my mind when I read about this from the way the superior man right the polarities and and because that's what's going to create attraction right so you if you understand uh basically the feminine essence and the masculine essence and what both of those mean like you understand that for a woman in that firm and you can really start to understand what pulls those two together right so you know I'd say in answering it quick in terms of a female she's looking for a man that he's in control of his life and kind of like I mean in like twenty first century terms like has his act together right and has purpose which again Leo you talk about all the time which is just amazing right about finding your purpose and having purpose in this world and again it you can get have no purpose and you can probably find a girl and still attract a girl but you might not attract that girl that you're super attracted to and like a one that's really quality but but a woman almost wants that and she wants she wants to feel also and I'm trying to be light here with my words because I can imagine a lot of women being like no what are you talking about but a woman wants to be dominated in a sense but there's a fine line between that it's not like she wants to be told what to do and she wants to be a slave unless you're into some kinky stuff but but that's a whole thing to that's why sometimes people are into that because that's massive polarity right um but in terms of like evolution right a woman a role for a long time was you know the gatherer and and be taken care of like the household not saying that's how it is now that's how it was for a long time and a man was going out and he was hunting right so I mean that's how it kind of started and that's how the contractions started those with the alpha male qualities those with a female qualities and that's the thing too I know a lot of a lot of men are attracted to women who are super feminine and one example that is like when you're in a relationship or when you're dating I know a lot of guys including myself I like it when a woman asks me to take care of something to fix it or change the light bulb - to fix this to help build this it makes you feel masculine and then actually make because you feel the masculinity you feel attracted to her mm-hmm right and the fact that you're able to maybe do that request or do something like that that makes her feel attracted to you that you can do that right that you can conquer that little task right so I think basically to sum it up you know women are attracted to men who can who can take control who can who can make decisions and bring a sense of life just ultra confidence - to all the little and big situations that life has - boy yeah I totally agree with that one I think is very important to be grounded as a man and to allow the woman to to basically partake in that because there are emotional creatures and they're kind of up and down and up and down they like the man to be the one grounds them and kind of stabilizes them that makes them feel good and it also makes the man feel good so you've got this kind of yin yang relationship going yeah why not I'll say one thing one I remember this is one part and I actually use this in my own relationships this is one part of the book in the way the superior man that shows this really well what you just said is that like a woman might be like uh you know super emotional at a point for whatever reason maybe she's upset of something maybe she's mad at the guy for something and one of the best things you could do it as a man in that situation instead of like trying to like out logic her or explain to her why she should feel better or why she shouldn't be mad you just go over to her and give her a big hug and just like polaron and then I think it was something like saying like I love you or like don't worry like it's going to be okay you know what I mean and just like pulling her in and just saying stuff and this I haven't heard just be like in your arms this tight squeeze and I wasn't whoa like that's so intense and it works yeah that stuff is great like a lot of the problems with women like you don't want to try to talk them out of it like that's the worst thing you can do is to to reject a woman's emotions and to tell her to like stop being emotional because that's what she loves to do she actually likes that um and she she hates it when you don't validate her feelings so a lot of times you can just kind of skirt that issue by doing something physical like what you just said right exactly and that brings in a lot of elements and I was just talking about dominance and control and things like that yeah I found that I had to like reprogram my mind to to like do stuff like that or also like using humor in very like strategic ways like when some serious issue comes up or something like that like being able to reframe the situation be able to like ask a different question like have the woman switch her perspective or just like focus on something else a lot of times like that will solve some of those relationship problems because as guys a lot of times we tend to want to like be logical about it and solve it in a logical way and women hate that when we try to do that with them yeah yeah there's there's times when women want actual advice they do want logical steps like hey you know leo what can I do right now to fix this issue at work or whatever and sometimes they just want to be listened to and I find as myself I'm not super like that like a woman but there is sometimes a part of me maybe like 20% of time I don't really want an answer I can't just want to talk it out I just want to just release the emotions a woman on the other hand usually they're the opposite right they just kind of want to talk about talking motions out they just want someone to listen and be there and understand and empathize and sympathize right so that's kind of one of the things you should be doing like you should actually one tip is like you can ask the girl like hey like did you want some advice on this or do you want me to just kind of listen and they hear what's going on and I'm here for I'm here for both so what would you like and then they can tell you and then you can just kind of be them or maybe they'll be so emotional that they might not be able to answer that question and just listen that's far the best bet it's always a good idea to just assume to listen and then at the end of it say like is there anything I can help you with this is there anything I can help you do with this and then that would kind of be the answer like they'll be like no like I just wanted to talk to you about it or they were like yeah what can I do and then you'll be like I time to put the logical hat on and help the girl in whatever situation it is okay awesome let's move on uh do you think it's easier you know you talked about being a man and how situations were a long time 100 gather situation what about how society is really changed in the last let's say 50 or 70 years especially with women getting a lot more of their own rights their own lives together now every woman is pretty much independent so is it harder or easier today to be a man do you think that it was 70 or 50 years ago well I think it's yes it's all relative but I think that it's easier now I mean like I'm I'd rather be in the now then then be in like you know 50 60 years ago over the 1940s 1950s I'd rather be a man now and of course I know that sounds a little biased because I am but hey I mean in terms of this I'd rather be in the now in terms of music I'd rather be in the 1940s 1950s like hands-down not just me but in terms of this stuff you know I think it's easier for men even though I know there's this argument like women are becoming more independent and it's harder because we're losing the vision of you know how a man is supposed to be with being chivalrous versus like oh we should open the door for them but we shouldn't because they can do it themselves and all this and I know that there's a lot of blurred lines there but I think nowadays it's better and easier because one we have the capabilities to get so much more information like a YouTube video right or whatever it is to be able to learn how to attract better quality women when like 50 60 years ago it was kind of like your dad taught you maybe you learn to trick from a friend and and that was pretty much it and you do the best you could do right and again it's all relative back then this part is like whatever to them because they didn't realize that seven years later the internet would exist and you can get better at something like this um but another thing is this I was thinking about when you said you know women are more independent these days you know a lot of men including myself that are attracted to women who are more independent it's actually more of an attractive quality as long as that woman still has a lot of feminine qualities and can still have that feminine essence you know and not be so in control everything and take away from the man because the man will then not be is attracted to the woman but but I like and I know a lot of men who like women who are independent they can do things on their own they're not always relying on on other people or they're really passionate about what they do you know a lot of that stuff is very attractive yeah I agree with you I love that stuff too I think that's a definitely a plus for women too to be doing that and still trying to balance that out excite with that feminine energy good one of the things that a lot of guys that I see when they start off getting better with women is that when they start that journey they're just so needy to begin with and nothing is less attractive to a woman than a meaty guy who just wants that sex or wants that relationship like I know when I started all in one was just like a girlfriend a relationship but like everything I did then sub communicated that neediness that I had so if a guy is needy and he's listening to this right now how does he go about curing that kind of thing okay first of all I'll quickly explain why needing this is unattractive and it's basically everything we've been talking about when you're needy you lack control when you're needy that means that you're relying on outside forces to please you and to get you happy or get you more in control which you won't ever be because it'll just it'll be a cycle of neediness right and so neediness showing that you're not in control is just one less very important alpha male quality that you need to attract women right a man who's in control he doesn't need he doesn't need anything of course you need the very basics food shelter whatever water but beyond that you should have everything that you need because otherwise you're just going into a downward spiral of having to seek validation and in anyways I'm kind of going out into a whole tangent here but at the end of the day it's showing that you don't have your life together because you need other things that's not you when you should be okay with what you have in the moment so that's why neediness doesn't really work so knowing that and understanding that what you can do to not be needy is to I mean there's some practical things as meditation is one of the biggest things right so we stress out and we're we're really worried and anxious all the time about all the little things in our life right all the time and meditation actually starts to Center you and help you focus on the present and again coming back to that idea that what you have in front of you is all you need and this is it right right now your I mean unless you're like literally in a torture prison what's better than the moment right in front of you as long as you're under a roof you just had a meal and a glass of water right so that's one of the ways to get rid of your neediness knowing that everything you have is actually right in front of you and inside of you right now that's that's brilliant but one of the things that when I chart office is like yes you have all those things but a guy for example he doesn't have a girlfriend he's gonna feel like well but I need that right I need that and the reason that you can say that oh I'm just sitting here comfortably is because you got girlfriends or you've already had a bunch of sex and you're already good with girls and so because of that you feel like you're fulfilled but what do you do when you're kind of like desperate for a girl you haven't had sex in a couple of years there's something like that and it's just like this like oh my like you need it because you I mean honestly you do need it right there right right and it's a and it's a catch-22 right because the more you need it the more you're going to try to get it so hard and then you won't get it because you're showing your neediness so here's what it comes down to I call it faith in the process okay faith and belief in the process that you're going through right now to become better with women so of course I mean hands down we need to like take the steps and do the actions to get better with women right don't just be running around needy bumbling fool but work on yourself and work on all these attract techniques and through that you're going to be like okay I want the results now want the results now like a media like I just want the sex you need to like take a step back and may I just remind you right now that this is a process that's going to take some time but have faith a faith and belief that with enough work the results will come but the second you stop trying and stop learning and stop trying to be a better more attractive man it's never going to come so you have to be patient you have to be patient and let the process take hold and let everything fall into place as you as you continue to try and get better at this stuff so if you want to you know just be lazy and not go out on a Friday night or maybe like walk by a pretty girl on a random weekday and not do the approach and not try and not go after it then at that point you're just going to go back into the old routine of wanting it wanting it but never getting it because you're not doing anything and not taking not having faith in the process so it's really an act of patience again going back to the whole meditation thing that brings it in it's about being okay with what's happening right now but also working at it because obviously we don't work at it then you will never get anywhere and I'll tell you I went through the exact same thing I did be very very patient for a long time but I saw that the more work I put into it the faster I got the results so just focus on the actions that you need to take and less on the outcome yeah so that's a beautiful thing is they're focusing on process and this applies not only to your improvement in dating and with women but if you're starting a business or with your career or anything else in life that you really want to achieve that's worthwhile especially if you're struggling in that area right now you're gonna have to expect they're going to put in some time and some energy into it and some money maybe even before you finally get the ultimate results that you want and you just like you said you have to have that faith in the process okay great and so finally let's wrap up with how do you actually get started on this stuff because let's say that I'm a guy right now and I really not good with women I'm really upset with how good I am I don't think that I'm I'm capable of becoming good but maybe in the back of my mind I think you know maybe it's possible but what would I need to do what are the top three actions that a guy needs to take to start to get better with girls this is a great question I'm gonna give you very specific things and you could do right now and they're very like very specific not going to give you some broad things like work under confidence learn how to talk to girls I'm just gonna give you the three things that you should do right now that will hands-down get you better at meeting women okay in no specific order no importance just all three all equally important one go out and get clothes that fit you that's it don't doesn't be like skin-tight just get clothes that fits you just do that one thing and that's automatically going to make you look more attractive okay that's number one go do that number two I want you to start talking to every single person that you come across and you might not be thinking about where these opportunities lie but they're everywhere I don't mean it has to be every hot girl that walks by but I want you to get used to talking to strangers and people that you don't know that can come in the form of talking to a taxi driver for a couple minutes and getting to know him that can come into um you know walking down the aisle of the grocery store and someone's looking at something maybe if you're not truly interested in like what they're picking up just talk about it for a second open up the conversation finding any way possible to have more conversations and if you're not if you're like a homebody and you never leave your house well then the priest step to that would be go out leave your house in any excuse to just get out and get around people that you can have the possibility of having interaction with okay and I'd say the third thing in terms of getting quicker results meditation that's the third thing going back to what we're talking about before because that's going to work on the inner stuff right so I want you to talk I want you to be working on the outer stuff like getting the more fitted clothes talking to people and getting used to more conversations and then working on being able to meditate and relax oh so the specific example of meditation they'll want you to do is after watching this video get your phone set a timer for five minutes and just sit for five minutes which is going to seem like an eternity when you do it but it's not that long it's five minutes out of your day and just sit there and focus on your breathing and every time you kind of like stray off just go back to your breathing and it's going to be very boring and York and you're going to be like I can't wait till this is over but just try it out and feel that feeling after you're done and you'll see a little bit more of a calmness and then all three of those there's more you can do but you want to take all those to the next level but those are the three biggest like specific takeaways a guy can do right now to become better as a human being really and also become more attractive to learn okay awesome beautifully I love that I love the meditation at the end that I think the the first two are also very practical and I ended up doing all three of those when I was getting better of course I did a lot of other stuff too and we're going to be wrapping it up here but if you guys are interested in more advice from trip little tricks and techniques he's got those he's also got strategies for you check out his channel check out his website and you can find more their trip any closing remarks um let's see thanks for having me and again anyways watching is the best thing you can do is instead of clicking away and is going to another youtube video just do one of those things that we talked about do one more step take one more step closer to achieving whatever it is that you're trying to achieve so taking action is the biggest thing and then yep you want to find me you go to WWF advice calm with two PS you can also check me on youtube trip advice slash trip advice everything this trip advice so check that out and more importantly Leo you're the man thank you so much for having me I respect all of your work I've seen so many of your videos and you just do great stuff so thanks again and I was really happy to be a part of today all right good to have you on board and talk to you next time all right you